Vanity, what is thy price? (Group 8)

Chapter 8
(Vanity, what is thy price?)

Hello my friends :)
How's your day ?
I hope you're always healthy and happy

So, right now we are going to learn together about Vanity and Pride.

Guys, did you know about vanity and pride?

If you didn't know about that, let's learn together. But before we learn, don't forget to pray before we study.

Let's we study!

This chapter will explain with group 8

The group one consist of 4 people, which are Sri Dewi, Rizky Irawan, Bimo Reyzando and Syadfrinar Fadillah.

Before we start, let's we listen Indonesian anthem song 'Maju Tak Gentar'.


That's our topic

Let's continue by watching this video.

After we learn about Vanity and Pride, let's watching a short movie.

Okay i think that's enough for today. But before closing, let's we listen Indonesian local song 'Rasa Sayange' from Maluku.

Alright friends thank you for learning about Vanity and Pride.

Don't forget to give me a criticism and suggestions.

see you on the next update


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