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❤ Chapter 1 ❤ (narattive text)

🔸بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ🔸

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh

This chapter will explain with group 1. If you forget about who are the member in group one, I will introduce all of them

Group 1
XI social 2

That's group one, which are will be our teacher for this chapter. The group one consist of 3 people, which are aqifah zahra ayunandaFirda Ramadiyah and the last one is Salma Ayu Nastiti. 

Before we start, let's we listen Indonesian anthem song 'garuda pancasila'

Garuda Pancasila Lyrics

Garuda pancasilaAkulah pendukungmuPatriot proklamasiSedia berkorban untukmuPancasila dasar negaraRakyat adil makmur sentosaPribadi bangsakuAyo maju majuAyo maju majuAyo maju maju

 PPT chapter 1

link PPT :

Let's continue by watching this video. Tap the video to watch the video

link latihan :

That's our topic.
In order not to get bored, group 1 give us short movie and synopsys.

Synopsis : The film, which does not last for three minutes, tells the story of a man who is overtime actually gets a miracle. Suddenly the photocopy machine he was using again, printed a black hole in a piece of paper. And the paper was truly miraculous. The black hole can eliminate items placed in the black section. Not only that the black hole can also penetrate something.

 Closing Music

    Manuk dadali  Lyrics

    Mesat ngapung luhur jauh di awang-awang

    Meberkeun jangjangna bangun taya karingrang

    Sukuna ranggaos reujeung pamatukna ngeluk
    Ngapak mega bari hiberna tarik nyuruwuk
    Saha anu bisa nyusul kana tandangna

    Gandang jeung pertentang taya bandingannana

    Dipikagimir dipikaserab ku sasama
    Taya karempan kasieun
    Manuk Dadali manuk panggagahna

    Perlambang sakti Indonesia Jaya

    Manuk Dadali pangkakon carana
    Resep ngahiji rukun sakabehna

    Hirup sauyunan tara pahiri-hiri

    Silih pikanyaah teu inggis bela pati

    Manuk dadali ngandung siloka sinatria
    Keur sakumna Bangsa di Nagara Indonesia

    Okay I think that's enough for today. But before closing, our teachers from group one, want to give a video from one of Indonesian local song.
    Alright friends, thank you for learing how to express offers and suggestions with me...

    See you on the next update ;)

    Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh


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