Jauza Mumtaz Samiyah
       XI IPS 2

Learn about Opinions & Thoughts

❤ Chapter 2 ❤
(Opinions & Thoughts) 

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Hello My Lovely Friends....
How are you today?
I hope you're always healthy and happy :)

So, right now we are going to learn together about 

Friends, did you know how to express Opinions & Thoughts?

If you didn't know about that. Let's learn together
But if you did know how to express it, please tell me if I'm wrong by comment down bellow on comment section ;)

But before we learn, make sure you saw another update on my blog. Thanks..

Oh, also don't forget to pray before we study

Okay friends, let's we study!!!!


This chapter will explain by group 2. If you forget about who are the member in group two, I will introduce all of them

That's group two, which are will be our teacher for this chapter. The group two consist of 5 people, which are M. Rafif Faqih (far left), Callista Khaerunnisa (after Rafif), Syahgita Rahayu (in the middle), Ananda Syifa (beside Gita), and the last one is Muhammad Aziz (far right)

Before we start, let's we listen Indonesian anthem song 'Tanah Airku'


That's our topic. You can learn it and ask if don't understand by comment

In order not to get bored, our teachers give us short movie and synopsys. Unfortunately the video disable to watch here, but don't be sad because I will put that link here so you can watch it

Sinopsis : being a border guard officer is a tough thing.  everything went as usual when the words of seduction changed his destiny

Let's continue by watching this video. Tap the link to watch the video

Okay I think that's enough for today. But before closing, our teachers from group one, want to give a video from one of Indonesian local song. It is 'Manuk Dadali' from West Java


Alright friends thank you for learing how to express Opinions & Thoughts with me...

See you on the next update ;)
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


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